Ward 11 Minneapolis Council Member Emily Koski Announces Her Campaign for Minneapolis Mayor
Lifelong Minneapolis resident, Koski pointed to leadership, legacy of service, community connection, compassion and inclusivity when sharing her vision for the future of the city.
Minneapolis, MN - Today, Ward 11 Council Member Emily Koski announced her campaign for Minneapolis Mayor. Pointing to her family’s long history of service to the City of Minneapolis, Koski outlined her vision for the future of our city.
“Four years ago, I ran for elected office to serve my city to build bridges in times of division and disconnection, to listen and to learn from residents, and to be a thoughtful, passionate leader,” said Council Member Emily Koski. “Today, it’s clear to me, the city I love is at a crossroads. While we face many challenges and opportunities, we’re up against efforts to drive wedges between us and pit us against one another. We need a strong, unifying leader to move us forward. That is why I am proud and honored to announce that I am running to be the next Mayor of the City of Minneapolis.”
In her address, Koski pointed to her success in leading transformative public safety initiatives—from creating the City’s first Public Safety Audit Division to advocating for historic police reforms and pay increases, her championing of providing housing for those who are unhoused, her commitment to supporting small businesses with innovative programs and standing up for workers through advocacy and decisive action, and her commitment to keep costs down for everyday families.
“My approach to leadership speaks for itself,” continued Koski. “I’m proud that on each of these issues, I listened to our residents, built bridges across political divides, worked with others, and have ultimately made a difference.”
In describing current Mayor Jacob Frey’s two-term tenure in office, Koski cited his inability to work with others, his focus on creating conflict, turning every issue, every problem into 'us-versus-them,' building division - not solutions, and his failure to lead us through our toughest challenges.
“Over the last 4 years, I’ve had a front row seat to this Mayor’s tenure,” said Koski. “I’ve witnessed first-hand his inability to work with your City Council, and his absence at so many tables - whether that be with local organizations and advocacy groups, our County, State or Federal Government. Truth be told, here in Minneapolis, we aren’t all that far apart politically. Despite what we’re told - there’s far more that unites us than drives us apart. Minneapolitans believe in building a city where everyone is valued, treated with dignity, and has the opportunity to thrive.”
In her address, Koski called for:
Adoption and implementation of a consent decree as a powerful and necessary step for advancing police reform;
A new, innovative approach to police recruiting and retention;
Increasing shelter and transitional housing supply, and reducing and eliminating barriers;
Rebuilding our economy, and restoring downtown, uptown and our cultural corridors through supporting entrepreneurship and small business ownership, recognizing that as the key to the city’s vibrancy;
Strengthening our workforce, the backbone of our city, through meaningful policy and ordinances, and a strong commitment to our values.
“Just as Minneapolis has shaped me, I want to shape its future for the better,” Koski concluded. “This city is my home, my heart, and my hope. I am running for Mayor because I believe that together, we can build a Minneapolis that reflects the very best of who we are and what we stand for—a city that’s stronger than ever, united, and thriving.”
Council Member Emily Koski’s Campaign Announcement Address:
“Thank you for being here today with me and my family in the heart of our community. My husband Mike, my son Croix, my daughter Iris, and I live just a short walk from here, and consider Pearl Park our second backyard.
Minneapolis is - and always has been - my home. It’s where I was born and raised, where I had my first internship, where I worked for a Fortune 100 company and where I owned a small business. It’s where I met and married my husband, where we bought our first home and started a family, where my kids go to public school and where my husband and I coach park league sports. Minneapolis is where I’ve contributed to our community and where I currently have the honor of serving as City Council Member for Ward 11.
Four years ago, I ran for elected office to serve my city by building bridges in times of division and disconnection. I ran to listen and learn from residents and to be a thoughtful, passionate leader. I ran to be the leader my community needed and deserved. Today, it’s clear to me: the city I love is at a crossroads and we face many challenges and opportunities. We’re up against efforts to drive wedges between us and pit us against one another. We need a strong, unifying leader to move us forward. That is why today, I am proud and honored to announce that I am running to be the next Mayor of the city of Minneapolis.
I grew up on St. Anthony Parkway in Northeast Minneapolis. My younger brother Al and I were raised by my mom, Barb, and dad, Al.
When I was just 8 years old, we lost our mom to breast cancer. Our dad later remarried Emma, the mom whom I have been close to and cared for ever since. This is the time of year when my mom Emma used to take me out of school for a special holiday lunch. We would head downtown to shop and get popovers at Dayton’s Oak Grill. Just this past weekend, I took my daughter Iris downtown to get our annual Santa Bear at the Dayton’s Project.
Growing up, our family was deeply rooted in the community and worked to strengthen it in every way we could.
I’ve carried on those values and traditions with my family. I’ve volunteered with my kids’ public schools, organized and advocated with Minneapolis public school parents, and served on my neighborhood organizations. We've hosted block parties and neighborhood events, coached our Pearl Park sports teams, run charity races and marathons, and taken every opportunity to be together with friends and neighbors.
Service has always been part of my family’s story.
My dad, Al Hofstede, was a City Council Member in Ward 3, a Chairperson of the Met Council, and a two-term Mayor of Minneapolis. My dad cared so deeply for this city and its people. His election marked a time of change in Minneapolis - it brought new energy and a fresh perspective focused on compassion, inclusivity, and forward thinking.
He modernized Minneapolis and worked to revitalize downtown through economic development, even helping to shape today’s skyline. He fought for housing and infrastructure improvements to address the needs of diverse and low-income communities. And, he worked to maintain public safety while addressing broader socio-economic issues that contribute to crime.
The principles of service and community he embodied are woven into the very fabric of our city. Among the many joys of my time in office, perhaps the most personal moments have been the opportunity to uncover more about my father’s enduring influence and see that it continues to touch our lives. My dad passed away just over eight years ago, but his impact lives on.
My dad devoted his whole life to this city and its people, and I’m proud to carry on that legacy.
Like him, I believe that compassion, inclusivity and forward thinking are the foundation of our future. I believe in the power of service, community and connection. Like him, I am running to be your Mayor to listen, to learn and to lead with heart.
Like I said, our city is at a crossroads.
Over the last 4 years, I’ve had a front row seat to this Mayor’s tenure. I’ve witnessed first-hand his inability to work with your City Council and his absence at so many tables, including with local organizations, advocacy groups, and with our County, State and Federal jurisdictions. His focus on creating conflict by framing every issue and problem as an 'us-versus-them' situation has built divisions instead of solutions. He has failed to lead us through our toughest challenges. We can and we must do better.
Truth be told, here in Minneapolis, we aren’t all that far apart politically. Despite what we’re told, there’s far more that unites us than drives us apart. Minneapolitans believe in building a city where everyone is valued, treated with dignity and has the opportunity to thrive. We must build a city where public safety isn’t just about law and order but also about addressing emergencies with compassion and care. We must deliver the right care at the right time. We must build a city where housing is a right. Everyone deserves somewhere to call home and no one should be left without a safe place to sleep each night.
We must build a city where rebuilding our economy and strengthening our workforce go hand in hand. We must build a city where climate change is considered a real and urgent issue. We must build a city where we are better, together.
Too many have tried and succeeded at pushing us apart by making small differences seem enormous and by exploiting our uncertainties and fears. This makes us vulnerable and easily manipulated. Make no mistake: this effort to divide has been deliberate. This division doesn’t serve our city or its people—it serves those who seek power in our struggles and advantage in our disagreements. This isn’t leadership.
True leadership is about strength in unity. It’s about setting aside differences and building bridges. It's about valuing all the voices of our communities by drawing on the many perspectives, backgrounds, values, and beliefs that make us who we are. Leadership is collaboration. Leadership is partnership, follow through and working together so we can accomplish so much more.
Our approaches to leadership and the results they yield speak for themselves.
I created the city’s first Public safety Audit Division, while the Mayor delayed and danced around the Minnesota Department of Human Rights Settlement Agreement. I envisioned a Community Safety Center when the Mayor was still proposing rebuilding the Third Precinct at its former location. I advocated for historic base pay raises and reforms for our police department while the Mayor advocated for the same dated tried-and-failed “bonuses” approach. I expanded the city’s first Domestic Violence Navigators Program, a program that provides support and services to domestic violence survivors, while the Mayor’s work-around public safety alternatives stalled out.
I fought to keep shelters open and beds available so unhoused individuals have somewhere to go while the Mayor fought to waste time, money, and resources closing encampments, only for them to open up again a block-or-so away. I worked alongside our affordable housing organizations to support repairing homes by bringing them up to code for low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. I supported building homes with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and directing funds to save organizations on the brink of collapse.
I supported small businesses through new innovative programs and projects that provides them with the resources they need to be the best employers. With every decision I’ve made, I backed our workforce by standing up for them at rallies and picket lines, press conferences, public events and most importantly in city Hall. While the Mayor made promises he later broke by prioritizing appearances over follow through.
I’m proud that on each of these issues I’ve listened to our residents, built bridges across political divides, worked with others, and ultimately made a difference.
When it comes to public safety, Minneapolis is at a turning point. The choices we make now will define how we protect, serve, and build trust with our communities for generations to come.
The adoption and implementation of a consent decree is a powerful and necessary step for advancing police reform. Under the Mayor, the city pushed back against and fought the adoption of a Settlement Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and has delayed adoption of a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice. Now, we face the stark reality that our changing national political landscape will affect our ability to use whatever consent decree may come as a tool to drive meaningful progress in police reform. Now more than ever, we need a Mayor committed to advancing police reform.
I believe that transparency and accountability, equity and fairness, professionalism, proper response, community engagement and trust form the core pillars of police transformation. These principles are not just aspirational; they are the foundation for rebuilding our Police Department.
Our Police Department should not only meet—but exceed—all constitutional principles, professional standards, and best practices of modern policing.
And, I believe we need to ensure that our officers have the support and resources they need to protect and serve. The Mayor has failed to address the Police Department’s staffing crisis by supporting an outdated, costly and minimally effective.
We need a new, innovative approach to police recruiting and retention. We need relationship recruiting, an expedited hiring process, hiring events, and a unique benefits package - including housing, childcare, and educational incentives. These supports should be available across our entire public safety ecosystem, and for all first responders.
We also need to expand our public safety system with innovative, alternative solutions that prioritize safety, support and equity for all. Calling 911 should guarantee a response tailored to your needs, no matter the nature of your emergency. We can create new pathways to address emergencies with compassion and care by delivering the right care at the right time.
Everyone deserves a place to call home.
Eight years ago, the Mayor promised to solve and end the homelessness crisis. Today, the crisis has escalated significantly, and is far worse than it was when he made that promise. His approach isn’t working. There is a better way.
The Mayor is solely focused on shutting down encampments, which just forces the encampment to move a few blocks away, only to be closed and moved again and again. It’s an endless cycle that's inefficient, ineffective, and inhumane. He has ignored the clear, urgent need to open more shelter beds. Worse yet, when my Council colleagues and I fought to expand Avivo Village and to save Agate’s Shelter in downtown, he fought us and our efforts. We need to ensure that our unhoused population has immediate access to shelter or transitional housing. This means having a sufficient supply, free from delays and waitlists. We must guarantee that no one is left without a safe place to sleep each night.
We need to reduce and eliminate barriers to shelter and transitional housing. We need to ensure that all who need these critical services can access them without preconditions including sobriety, having pets, background checks, and employment status. We need to make shelter and transitional housing accessible to all unhoused individuals.
We need to provide holistic support services to those in shelter and transitional housing to ensure that these individuals stay housed. Our support services need to include community partnerships and wraparound services that integrate individuals into the community, foster social inclusion and promote neighborhood engagement. We need to ensure that those transitioning out of homelessness feel supported and welcomed by their communities, not ostracized and villainized.
Economic growth isn’t just about numbers. It's also about people. It’s about supporting small businesses, creating good jobs, and fostering a workforce that feels valued, empowered and ready to thrive in our city.
We need to rebuild our economy, restore downtown and uptown and our cultural corridors. We need to lift up our local small businesses and strengthen our workforce so we can drive economic growth.
Task forces and work groups have become the Mayor’s go-to solution to compensate for the lack of vision he has for our city. Somehow, we have become the land of 10,000 work groups. Thoughts, ideas, and concepts are thrown around to drive up buzz, but there’s no vision, no plan, no action.
I worked for Target, a Fortune 100 company in downtown Minneapolis. In Corporate America, you better believe that “all-talk-and-no-walk” doesn't fly. There are goals, strategy and direction, and if you’re not working hard and hitting the marks, you have the higher-ups to answer to.
I also owned and operated my own local small business for over a decade. I can tell you firsthand that small business ownership is as demanding as it gets. Every day is filled with new challenges and you’re the one responsible for facing them head-on. It's a constant cycle of decision making, problem solving, and managing competing priorities. There’s no downtime, no room to step back. You juggle multiple roles, including CEO, accountant, marketer, janitor, all at once. It’s exhausting and exhilarating. Entrepreneurship and small business ownership is how we keep our city vibrant. That’s why I’m so committed to ensuring our city provides programs and resources our small businesses need to navigate the challenges of today, so that they thrive in our labor landscape and remain pillars of our community.
I support both businesses and workers because I know that these goals and priorities don’t have to be in conflict. Without a strong working class, our economy, and our businesses, simply cannot thrive. Workers are the backbone of our city.
My grandfather was a part of the 1934 Minneapolis Teamsters Strike, a landmark event in labor history. He delivered produce to the metro area grocers, hospitals and schools and knew that his livelihood and many others were on the line. Growing up, when I worked at Byerly’s grocery store, I proudly joined United Food and Commercial Workers Local 789. When I saw my dues deducted from each paycheck I knew I was part of something bigger than myself.
Our changing national political landscape has opened the door to policy changes that could significantly undermine workers' rights. These changes at the highest level of government will have far-reaching consequences that will reach us here in Minneapolis. Our commitment to our workforce and to their rights will soon be put to the test. Now, more than ever, we must remain steadfast, united and firm in our values.
We need to seek out and create opportunities to increase apprenticeships, provide more union jobs, and back our workforce. We need to take a far more aggressive approach to providing career readiness and job support throughout our community, starting at a younger age and continuing through adulthood. Everyone deserves a good job with fair wages and fair worker protections.
It’s time for a Mayor who isn’t afraid to make tough decisions and take a closer look at what’s working and what isn’t. We need to create a budget that is fair, sustainable, and grounded in transparency and accountability.
We can no longer continue to balance the books of our city on the backs of property owners and renters with large increases in property taxes. For his entire tenure in office, these past seven years, the Mayor has run this Administration with no performance management system, no performance metrics, no way to measure the successes and failures of the organization or to hold himself accountable. When crafting his recommended 2025-2026 Biennial Budget, the Mayor didn’t have the hard conversations and make the tough decisions. He didn’t take a critical look at our budget and see what’s working and most importantly what’s not, nor did he consider how we can be more efficient and effective with our spending. He proposed the highest property tax levy increase that this city has seen in over a decade. Young, new families can’t afford this. Students and renters can’t afford this. Middle class families can’t afford this. Seniors can’t afford this. That’s why I’m fighting tooth-and-nail to reduce his property tax levy.
Our city thrives when we work side-by-side with others.
We need to rebuild our relationships with our local entities: neighboring jurisdictions including County, and State government.
Our city's success and the success of our schools go hand in hand. By working together, the city and the Minneapolis Public School District can create a future where every child has the tools to excel in the classroom and beyond. This partnership is essential—not just for our students’ success, but for the vitality and prosperity of our entire community as our students are our future.
Collaboration with the County is critical for tackling complex challenges. For example, tackling housing and homelessness requires shared vision, strategic collaboration and joint investment. By working together, we can amplify our impact.
Our State Legislators, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, and Governor Walz are our partners. Minneapolis’s success is directly connected to Minnesota’s success. We need to find ways to work together to support property tax relief, make investments in infrastructure repair and replacement, drive economic prosperity and progress and make life a little easier for the people who call this place home.
I have built relationships and trust with leaders across these jurisdictions. I am poised to strengthen these partnerships to ensure every resident feels this support.
My campaign will be a positive, people-focused, compassionate, collaborative and unifying space. This is a “big tent” campaign where all are welcome. If you care about the future of this city, my campaign is for you. If you believe that this city can and must do better, my campaign is for you. If you want your voice to be valued, and believe that yours and many other perspectives, backgrounds, values, and beliefs are what make this city who we are, my campaign is for you. If you believe that we’re strong when we’re together, my campaign is for you.
I was recently re-reading the speech my father gave in 1977 announcing his plans to seek a second term for Minneapolis Mayor. He spoke of large property tax bills for city residents. He lamented the state of the city’s public safety system. He went to great lengths to emphasize the importance of providing affordable housing. He shared his vision for a streamlined government structure that reduced the government's footprint and increased its impact. Throughout all of it, I was taken aback by how similar his concerns were then to my concerns now. He ended by saying, “We are currently involved in a battle, the conclusion of which will do much to determine the future of our city…momentum has been stalled–stalled by a government without vision, without leadership, without action. I want to be part of making this city what it can and should be.”
And dad, I couldn’t agree more.
Minneapolis is my home. It’s the city that shaped me—where I’ve lived, learned, worked, started my family, became a mother, and grew into the person and leader I am today. Every moment, every milestone, and every memory connects me to this incredible community.
Just as Minneapolis has shaped me, I want to shape its future for the better. This city is my home, my heart, and my hope. I am running for Mayor because I believe that together, we can build a Minneapolis that reflects the very best of who we are and what we stand for—a city united, thriving and stronger than ever. And with your support, we can make this dream a reality.
Thank you.”